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My occasional editions (or ad-hocs):


This collection of ad-hocs shows the collection of short 'on a pages' and short reads that explore topics related to my interests:



Design | Research | Psychology and Behavioural Science | Objectives and Key Results | Early Intervention | Parenting Education

​Evaluation | Theory of Change (ToC) | Logic Models (LM)​


It also includes a poem or two...

'Emotional engagement is an essential part of the design process'


Article for the Psychologist - 22nd January 2025


by Rachel A.Wood and Samantha Osys


Read the article here:




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Building an inclusive workplace with support from our colleagues


by Rachel A.Wood 26th November 2024


Original article source:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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Happy focus Friday (15th September 2023). Today has been a dedicated research day, with a very productive virtual writing retreat for a co-authored article. Todays reflection has also very much been on what can make for a successful implementation in goal setting and Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) in design leadership


In ‘OKRs for all: making objectives and key results for your entire organisation’ Vetri Vellore (2022) proposes that using them can:


  • Shift focus to impact

  • Creates co-operation and collaboration

  • Helps navigating rapid change and reduces risk

  • Create clarity and inspires stretch

  • Supports contextual communication and continuous progress


The reading undertaken so far has found the evidence base is very much founded on theories of human motivation such as:


🎯Goal setting  – tthrough 50 years of research (such as in Locke and Latham, 1990, 2013, 2019). Argues for the importance of goal clarity, setting stretch targets that are achievable, working forward and receiving regular feedback. For my practice I have noted the importance of process evaluation (feedback loop) , and setting regular opportunities for checking in on progress


🎉Self efficacy – behavioural change and wellbeing (such as Bandura, 1977). Looks at beliefs in personal capacity, the importance of social persuasion and context. In my practice this shows the need for observation, and supporting and celebrating the success of others


🤯Self determination – psychological needs related to autonomy, competence and relatedness (such as Deci and Ryan, 1980, 2008, 2017). In my practice I have noted how this is related to the intersection of purpose, strategy and execution 🚀


In addition OKRs have also been linked to the ‘test and learn’ agenda (such as Plan, Do, Study/Check, Act cycles introduced by Shewhart in the 1920s and later by Deming 1959). As such in ‘Design thinking, and innovation metrics’ (2023) Michael Lewrick proposes that developing them also supports: decision making, problem solving and sustainable continuous improvement


So so far they seem to be an imperative in terms of practice – that is very well founded in the current knowledge and evidence base


If you have an interest in implementing OKRs, it would help me to understand this further by giving a moment of your time to answer the following question:


As a design leader - what has worked for you in implementing goal setting and Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)? (closes 22nd September 2023)


The findings, and a discussion will be published in future week-notes…


If you are interested in some of the conundrums in continuous improvement my peer PhD Researcher has written a thought-provoking blog on this topic:


Looking forward to your thoughts and contributions. In the meantime, many thanks for your time - have a great rest of your design day 😊

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A rollercoaster life… by Rachel A.Wood (June 2019)


​​​​​​​​​​​​So far, I have had an interesting life

It certainly has been a real rollercoaster ride of fun and strife

Family and friends have helped keep my heart true

Whilst different experiences have really tried to make me blue

Baby loss, cancer and sepsis have all thrown themselves at me

And sometimes I have not known the way to be

But I am not the sum of my health or my angel baby

It will though always be that if, but or maybe

Whilst Florida, education, drama, and songs have kept this all mostly at bay

Along with all those times that I've actually been able to have my say

My keystone now is to try and wake every day with a smile

And be with those who are special in my life, and who go an extra mile

For the reality of life is that we only get one

And that makes it all the more important to see the occasional bit of sun

So always carry on, and make a contribution every day

And make time to listen, and allow others to have their say

Sure, you never know when things will next make you feel bad

But you can always try and prepare too not be so sad

By remembering the things you've had that have made you glad

One ride at a time, onward I go

Living with the ebb and flow

Always be kind

To others,

and of course, your own mind

And make sure you leave the best of you behind

Forget the mistakes and move on

And never let that regret and woe weight a tonne

Being a human certainly can be hard

Especially when you don't always get dealt the right card

But in every breath, you have the way and the right

To find that real might

To carry on with the ride

And to find what you need to be on your side......












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A drawn image portraying Roberts Brain the web CV and portfolio of Rachel A.Wood

"Mindful by Design"

Connecting the dots: One small step at a time

Design | Research | Psychology

© Robert's Brain 2023

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